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CAA News - October

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California Capitol

Aug 9 2021

Sacramento Legislators Prepare for Busy Weeks Ahead

The Legislature will return from its summer recess on August 16. Upon its return, it will have only three and a half weeks to complete its work before adjournment on September 10.

Aug 2 2021

Georgia Bans Fines for Alarm Companies

If you follow SIAC’s State Activity Report, you probably know that the state of Georgia recently passed legislation banning the fining of alarm companies. It is a very important law for the security industry, and we appreciate the support of Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp.
Non-compete agreement

Aug 2 2021

Biden Issues Executive Order Encouraging FTC to Ban or Limit Non-Compete Agreements

President Biden signed the Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy which, among other objectives intended to increase competition in a wide range of economic activity, encourages the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to ban or limit non-compete agreements.

Jul 23 2021

California Comeback: Legislative update

The Legislature adjourned for their summer recess on July 15. It has been an intensely busy year in Sacramento and recess couldn’t have come soon enough.

Jul 12 2021

Will Governor Newsom Be Recalled? Legislative Update

On June 28, Governor Newsom signed California’s $267 billion budget. However, as we’ve reported previously, the signed budget contains the appropriations to spend state funds, but much work continues to finalize the budget behind the scenes. The annual Budget Act is always accompanied by a number of “trailer bills” which enact policy changes needed to implement the budget.
People crossing road in California

Jul 1 2021

CAA President’s Message: California Reopens!

We are eagerly heading to the Palm Springs Convention and are excited about meeting colleagues in person again.

Jul 1 2021

TMA Welcomes 50th FirstNet® Certified Company

The Monitoring Association (TMA) announced that systems integrator Convergint Technologies, LLC., Renton, WA, became the 50th FirstNet certified company. 

Jul 1 2021

Dealer Perspective #34: If You Don’t Have It Yet…Now Is The Time To Get It! Cybersecurity Awareness

You are probably aware of the Colonial pipeline ransomware debacle which recently shut down 45% of the East coast supply of jet fuel and gasoline.  This led to long lines at gas stations as we approached the Memorial Day holiday.
People crossing road in California

Jun 28 2021

California Reopens: Legislative Update

Last Wednesday the Secretary of State sent a letter to the Department of Finance (DOF) that among other things said “The Secretary of State is hereby notifying the Department of Finance that the proponents of the recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom have submitted a sufficient number of valid signatures to initiate a recall election.”
Money in jar

Jun 11 2021

Bills & Budgets: Legislative Update

June marks the halfway point in the legislative calendar. By early June,  most bills must pass out of the house they were introduced in to keep moving. The only exceptions are urgency bills and constitutional amendments which must be passed on a 2/3 vote of the Legislature.

Upcoming Training Events

The National Training Program is pleased to host the upcoming webinars for CAA Members.  

  • TBD

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About the CAA

The California Alarm Association develops and manages programs to benefit members and to promote the growth of professionalism in the electronic security industry throughout the state of California. Membership dues provide the foundation for funding these programs, but we rely on the financial support of individuals and companies to expand existing programs and launch new initiatives. These non-dues revenues are critical for the protection of the industry in which we all make our livelihood, and to preserve our ability to enhance public safety in our communities. Our mission:

  1. Serve our members and associates by being the industry advocate and liaison with public safety agencies, government bureaus, and licensing, standards and regulation bodies.
  2. Serve the people of California by being a reliable and trusted resource for safety and security information and services.

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