About Mr. Eisenstadt
Many who knew Harvey have many fond memories and great things to say about this wonderful man. In remembering Harvey and paying tribute to his legacy, Harvey had two themes. First, Harvey was a salesperson’s sales guy - he taught from the trenches, spoke in language that all understood, and made an impact. Second, he loved the CAA and was moved when the content and training sessions at meetings were useful, engaging and enjoyed by all.
Introducing the Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium
At the 2022 CAA Spring Convention in Palm Springs, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the establishment of the CAA’s Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium in honor of the late, great sales professional and CAA member, Harvey Eisenstadt. As a result, a committee of industry leaders was appointed to develop the guidelines and expectations for managing and promoting this symposium. The symposium was decided to be an annual event and presented at the CAA’s Palm Springs and Winter Conventions.
What Is The Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium?
The CAA Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium is where colleagues from inside and outside the industry present sales-based seminars. The purpose is to share knowledge and wisdom on all matters that will elevate our industry’s salespeople. The sales training content will be applicable to dealers, integrators, manufactures and service providers and will be free of pitches of product, services, or self-promoting efforts, but rather sales training from peers and experts. A Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium Certificate from the CAA will be presented to each participant following the Symposium.

What Does A Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium Presentation Look Like?

Speakers who request to present at these sessions, will not represent product or services, but rather offer their sales expertise in a training exercise to improve the caliber of all salespeople.
Acceptable presentations would be “Mastering the Art of Person-to-Person Sales” or “Becoming a More Engaged Sales Manager”. Unacceptable symposium presentations would be “Using Data to Sell More XYZ Services or Widgets.”
The content of these sessions should attract all interested members (and perspective members) of CAA, both Regular and Associate. The goal of the presenter is to be neutral as possible. In this instance, we refer to neutral as that as dealer, integrator, manufacturer, service provider, distributor, and others who would find the session compelling enough to attend.
Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium Presenter Guidelines
Presentations should conform to CAA’s time guidelines, which may change due to scheduling conflicts. If your presentation is allotted 45 minutes, please plan accordingly. All speakers should follow CAA guidelines pursuant to the association’s bylaws.
PowerPoint presentations should have the name of the presenter, title, and company logo (if desired) only on the introduction slide. The remaining slides will not have company logos.
A CAA Harvey Eisenstadt PowerPoint presentation template will be made available. The final slide may have the speaker’s contact information, if desired. Handouts may mirror the same format.
- Title of session
- Name of presenter
- Explain how the presentation will benefit the audience
- Brief description of presentation
- Short bio of presenter (2‐3 sentences)
- Headshot of the presenter

Submit Your Symposium Presentation Today!
Please keep in mind that the CAA needs compelling presentations for both the Spring and Winter conference that do not have the same restrictions as the Harvey Eisenstadt Sales Symposium. We encourage you to reach out to CAA if you would like to present a workshop concept that features your product, service, or company!