About Mr. Weinstock
- More than four decades leading three of the security industry’s most prominent installation and monitoring companies
- Highly active in security industry issues, including president of both the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA, now Electronic Security Association or ESA) and Western Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (WBFAA)
- Served in the Air National Guard and U.S. Air Force
George Weinstock entered the security industry in 1955 when he joined the family’s Morse Signal Devices of California, where he served as President from 1970 to 1981. He was concurrently President of Morse Signal Devices of Cleveland and partner and director of Ans-R-Tel Answering Service /Broadway Le Mesa Answering Services of San Diego. He sold that business to partner Robert Berlin in 1983 and established American Home Security.
He was President, Director and CEO of American Home Security from 1984 until 1993 when he sold the company to Protection One where he served as Executive Vice President. George participated in our organizations from the moment he entered the industry.
His role model was his father Morris, who the industry has honored with the presentation by the ESA of the Morris F. Weinstock Award since 1970 to honor the Person of the Year. George chaired his first NBFAA committee in 1969, and was elected President of the national organization in 1973. In 1976, he was elected President of the Western Burglar & Fire Alarm Association, the organization that preceded the CAA. Over the years, he has served as Director, Chair or other leadership position in an array of organizations that serve the industry.
George served on the California Alarm Association Board of Directors as Large Company Representative, and was the founding Chair of the CAA Newsletter Committee that produces THE MIRROR. The California Alarm Association presented him with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1999 CAA Winter Convention and announced the establishment of the George A. Weinstock Award as the highest honor to be bestowed by the Association.
Past Recipients of the George A. Weinstock Award
Every year since 2000, the CAA has awarded a member of the alarm industry this distinguished award for lifetime achievement.

Kirk MacDowell

Dave Michel

Chuck Petrusha

Mike Salk

Robert Michel

Mark Sepulveda

Mike Matson

Bob Jennison

Matt Westphal

Ron Lander

Charles Schwager

Patty Hartman

Shane Clary

Jon Sargent

George De Marco

Tony Smith

Alan Pepper

Frank Burke

Rod Uffindell

Lessing Gold

Bruce Westphal

Roger Westphal

George Gunning

Harvey Eisenstadt

Ron Spiller

Patty Hartman

Alan Pepper

George Gunning

Harvey Eisenstadt

Ron Spiller
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