GVAA Presents Check to Regional’s Youth Scholarship 2023 Recipient


The Greater Valley Alarm Association presented a check for $1,000 to their 2023 Youth Scholarship recipient, Linden Olmstead. Sarah Wilson of Signal Service made the presentation to Linden and his father, Sam, a fire fighter for the Mokelumne Hill Fire Department in Calaveras County. Afer the presentaion, Sam gave Wilson’s two children a memorable ride in one of the Dept’s fire trucks. “It was a great experience for all “, Wilson said. “Both were extremely grateful for the Scholarship and want to thank the CAA and all who were involved in this selection.” Linden graduated from Calaveras High School in the spring and will attend the University of Southern California in the fall where he intends to study in a field related to Clean Energy Research.

*Story and Photo of presentation will be included in August issue of THE MIRROR magazine