Youth Scholarship Program Application

Applicants must be at least 15 years of age and not older than 20.

He or she must be a graduating high school senior who will receive a diploma from an accredited high school, located within California. Home-schooled Applicants and those attending military or boarding schools are also eligible to apply. Applicants must be accepted for admission to an accredited four-year college or university, matriculating the following year.

Each eligible Applicant must have a father, mother, or natural guardian (“parent”) who meets the following qualifications:

  • The Applicant’s school must be located in California where the parent is a full-time active employee OR within a 100-mile radius of where the parent is a full-time active employee; 
  • Parent must be a full-time paid, active duty law enforcement officer, firefighter, paramedic, or EMT (public sector). Parent may also be a volunteer member of a fire department. Children of administrative staff do not qualify;
  • Children of DHS, FBI, and other federal employees do not qualify; and
  • Children of reserve, part-time, or retired officers or fire personnel do not qualify.

Each Applicant must submit a fully-completed and signed Application by April 12, 2024.

The Application may be submitted first, followed by other required documents. Applications and all other required documents (except college admissions letter) must be submitted electronically and received in the CAA’s office or postmarked on or before the deadline to be accepted. Documents must be submitted only in Word or .pdf format. Failure to follow instructions can result in disqualification.

Applicants must submit the following to apply:

  • Completed Application signed by the Applicant and active duty parent;
  • Essay of 500–1,000 words (must be typed) and titled, “What it means to me to have my parent/guardian involved in securing our community.” Prepare a 500-1,000 word typed essay, which explains how your parent's service as a member of the public safety community shaped your character, formed your core values, influenced your perspective and the choices you made, and helped to create the vision for your life. Include specific examples of how decisions you’ve made in your life reflect the example your parent set. Please be original and creative, and use proper essay format, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. And proofread carefully! Errors will result in a reduced essay score;
  • High school transcripts (or parent if home schooled) that lists the Applicant’s unweighted grade point average. GPA must be in a standard 4.0 or 0-100 percent scale or conversion method must be provided (weighted GPA scores accepted); 
  • Proof of acceptance to a college or university (letter or certificate acceptable) and can be provided after Application deadline (does not have to be Applicant’s intended college or university) but must be received before the award of a Scholarship;
  • Proof of parent’s occupation (copy of ID or supervisory letter on department letterhead acceptable);
  • You may include copies of your official SAT or ACT test score results (may be included on and sent with official high school transcripts);
  • Completed Community Service Form, including number of hours worked, located in the Application and which must be signed by a responsible person with knowledge;
  • Résumé listing academic prizes, awards, hobbies, extracurricular activities, community service with number of hours worked, and work history; and 
  • Letter of recommendation from high school counselor, teacher, coach, or supervisor of outside activities which speaks of Applicant’s character.

Once submitted, all materials become the property of CAA 

By submitting an Application and essay, the Applicant grants CAA permission to publish his or her name, essay, photograph, or other materials submitted in connection with the Application. Applicants that are awarded a Scholarship also agree that  they will cooperate in publicity efforts, including participating in interviews with the CAA or local, trade, and national press outlets and providing photos for inclusion in CAA publications, press materials, and online. Applicants will make every effort to attend CAA’s Summer Conference in Palm Springs for an award presentation ceremony. Attendance is not required but is encouraged.

Scoring Model

CAA Scholarships are based on the combined scores of the essay, GPA, community service, and other academic, athletic, or extracurricular achievements or activities.

All scholarship decisions are final.

The Applicant’s score is based on the following:

  • Essay: 40 points
  • Grade Point Average: 25 points*
  • Community Service: 20 points
  • Academic and Athletic prizes, awards, and extracurricular activities, including student government, internships, sports, clubs, art, music, drama, dance: 15 points

TOTAL: 100 points*

* If you would like to submit your SAT or ACT score (if available), you may do so for the Scholarship Committee’s general consideration. An SAT or ACT score will not increase or decrease the points allocated to the GPA component but may affect the Academic Prizes category.

Youth Scholarship Application