Sacramento Area Alarm Association Holds Successful Holiday Party

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Sincere gratitude to Mark Simpson
I would like to recognize our Past President, Mark Simpson. After servicing 4 ½ years as the Silicon Valley Alarm Association President, I was somehow able to convince him to become our SAAA president for two terms. Mark served from January 2018, all the way through Covid, before he moved to Bakersfield in November of 2021. While during both of his presidencies, he was also the Public Safety Committee Chair for the CAA. While Mark is still alive and well, we will miss him from our area and owe him a debt of gratitude for the work he did.
Parker Maurie presented to Tauni Wallace
It is always a privilege when we get the opportunity to honor one of our own. December 8th, we got to do so for Tauni Wallace by presenting her with the Parker Maurie Memorial Award. The award is to be given to those individuals who go “above and beyond” their duties on behalf of the Sacramento Area Alarm Association. The Parker Maurie Memorial Award is not an annual award, but one that is given when the board of directors collectively feels that special recognition is warranted.
The inscription on the Parker Maurie Memorial Award reads as follows:
“For Outstanding Efforts”
“You have accepted the challenge to soar above the world and to overcome barriers to success that would have caused others to falter and fail. You have been decisive where others have hesitated. You are recognized as a leader for your efforts. Truly, you are an inspiration…like the Majestic Eagle.” So well deserved! Tauni has served the SAAA as Secretary in 1994, 1998/99 and Treasurer in 2010 to today. Making her 16 years the longest serving Officer of our Association. Tauni is truly the glue that holds our Regional Chapter together and keeps us compliant and motivated. She is a big part of why our events are a success and why we are one of the strongest regional chapters in the state.
Elections / Officers
At our Holiday Party, we held an election for officers to serve the coming 2023 year. Here is the slate that was voted in:
Rich Whitlock, Wesco/Anixter ~ President
Sarah Wilson, Signal Service ~ Vice President
Tauni Wallace, Notifier ~ Treasurer
Raven Brockway, Eclipse Insurance and Marketing ~ Secretary Kent Brust, Pacific State Security and Fire ~ Sgt of Arms Dawn Smith, Total Monitoring Services ~ Officer at Large
2023 Events
4/13/2023 SAAA Police Forum
8/17/2023 SAAA Top Golf
10/12/2023 SAAA Fire Forum
12/14/2023 SAAA Holiday Party
Please check out our website at for updates. There are sponsorship and speaking opportunities at these events. Please keep us in mind when establishing your budgets and calendars.
Rich Whitlock