- It’s Winter Convention Season! - November 1, 2022
- The CAA Winter Convention is upon us! Register Today! - October 4, 2022
- Fall is Here! President’s Message: September 2022 - September 22, 2022
Here we are mid-2020 and finally things are coming back to life. A new comfort level with being “out and about” is provided by vaccines and encouraging statistics of a declining pandemic. Businesses, shops, stores, restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, etc., are all coming back to life. It is a good feeling to see children playing soccer and baseball in the parks again. Near pre-Covid conditions are also evident on our freeways and at our toll plazas but we think of them a positive sign of life instead of our dreaded commute.
As promised, the CAA Executive Committee reviewed the prospect of an “in-person” CAA Palm Springs Convention with a focus on the interest of dealers and vendors to attend “in-person” and safety with respect to Covid-19 and voted unanimously to move forward with live convention. Covid protocols will be implemented based on the then current recommendations of the CDC and Riverside County Health Department – we will have a safe and successful meeting!
The schedule contains some great educational presentations and other events lined up for every attendee.
Our CAA Scholarship Committee is busy reviewing applications and they are looking forward to doing a presentation at our convention. You are not going to want to miss this event!
You can register for FREE courtesy of our sponsors at if you are an installing company and vendor/sponsor registrations are also available.
Registration is now available for ISC West and we encourage you to attend and join us for the special CAA events and visit our booth.
Looking forward to seeing YOU in Palm Springs!!